• Custom House and Canning Town Neighbourhood Development Centre Canning Town, London E16 1EL


Service Schedule

Sunday Service
– 11:00 am -1:00 pm at the Church address & on Zoom

Every 2nd Sunday of the Month,
– Communion Service takes place.

Connection prayer time (On Zoom):
– Thursday @ 9:00 pm

Upcoming Events

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News & Updates

We now meet in person and online via Zoom.

To join the online services, click on this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8816328028
– Meeting ID is: 881 632 8028
– Password is: DccL


Welcome to Divine connection Chapel, London

The Divine Connection Chapel is established of God through His servant Bishop Mike Bamidele a Place of Connection to the God of heaven and to our desired miracles. It is an atmosphere of the power and presence of God.
You are welcome to worship God almighty in an atmosphere of love and in the liberty of the spirit
– Welcome to serve Him with a glad heart
– Welcome to learn the engrafted word at the master’s feet
– Welcome to fellowship with brethren of a kindred spirit
– Welcome to a life of victory over Satan, sin, and self
– Welcome to Destiny Encounters
– Welcome in the name of Jesus, The head of the church to the gates of heaven.

Pastor & Pastor (Mrs) Dapo Bamgbade
The Location Ministers

Bible Verse of the Day

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.

Our Mission

The Church being established in London, United Kingdom has the following visions to genuinely pursue;
Creating an avenue where the word of God is taught sincerely and diligently to lead men to heaven. . .

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